I am not sure I will have the time to solve the remaining issues,
but I would like to share some intermediate results with you.
Find attached the smalltalk file I have in my personal channel,
it contains 2 package definitions.
smalltalk-alt: corresponds to the `normal' smalltalk package with
various fixes over the one currently in gui (a) added
dependencies, (b) uses gcc-5 for building because I found a
reference in the smalltalk mailing list about newer GCC
releases optimizing some statements away that are crucial for
GNU Smalltalk to build.
As a result the test failures for intmath and others that are
present in the current `smalltalk' recipe in guix are
resolved in this variant.
Note that there are still failing tests for this release,
namely all the ANSI compliancy tests. I do feel like since
each and every one of these tests fails, it might be a
build-system-setup/autotest related failure.
`smalltalk-next' is a derived clean build from the VCS. I dropped
the pre-release build as you suggested in (2).
As for going forward I am not quite sure whether I'll find time
to do more debugging. If I were a heavy GNU Smalltalk user I'd
probably use `smalltalk-next' anyway as it seems to build
-- Failing Tests for `smalltalk-alt'
ANSI compliancy tests.
47: ArrayANSITest FAILED
48: ArrayFactoryANSITest FAILED
50: BagFactoryANSITest FAILED
51: BooleanANSITest FAILED
52: ByteArrayANSITest FAILED
53: ByteArrayFactoryANSITest FAILED
54: CharacterANSITest FAILED
55: CharacterFactoryANSITest FAILED
56: DateAndTimeANSITest FAILED
57: DateAndTimeFactoryANSITest FAILED
58: DictionaryANSITest FAILED
59: DictionaryFactoryANSITest FAILED
60: DurationANSITest FAILED
61: DurationFactoryANSITest FAILED
62: DyadicValuableANSITest FAILED
63: ErrorANSITest FAILED
64: ErrorClassANSITest FAILED
65: ExceptionANSITest FAILED
66: ExceptionClassANSITest FAILED
67: ExceptionSetANSITest FAILED
68: FailedMessageANSITest FAILED
69: FileStreamFactoryANSITest FAILED
70: FloatANSITest FAILED
71: FloatCharacterizationANSITest FAILED
72: FractionANSITest FAILED
73: FractionFactoryANSITest FAILED
74: IdentityDictionaryANSITest FAILED
75: IdentityDictionaryFactoryANSITest FAILED
76: IntegerANSITest FAILED
77: IntervalANSITest FAILED
78: IntervalFactoryANSITest FAILED
79: MessageNotUnderstoodANSITest FAILED
80: MessageNotUnderstoodSelectorANSITest FAILED
81: MonadicBlockANSITest FAILED
83: NiladicBlockANSITest FAILED
84: NotificationANSITest FAILED
85: NotificationClassANSITest FAILED
86: ObjectANSITest FAILED
87: ObjectClassANSITest FAILED
88: OrderedCollectionANSITest FAILED
89: OrderedCollectionFactoryANSITest FAILED
90: ReadFileStreamANSITest FAILED
91: ReadStreamANSITest FAILED
92: ReadStreamFactoryANSITest FAILED
93: ReadWriteStreamANSITest FAILED
94: ReadWriteStreamFactoryANSITest FAILED
95: ScaledDecimalANSITest FAILED
96: SelectorANSITest FAILED
98: SetFactoryANSITest FAILED
99: SortedCollectionANSITest FAILED
100: SortedCollectionFactoryANSITest FAILED
101: StringANSITest FAILED
102: StringFactoryANSITest FAILED
103: SymbolANSITest FAILED
104: TranscriptANSITest FAILED
105: WarningANSITest FAILED
106: WarningClassANSITest FAILED
107: WriteFileStreamANSITest FAILED
108: WriteStreamANSITest FAILED
109: WriteStreamFactoryANSITest FAILED
110: ZeroDivideANSITest FAILED
111: ZeroDivideFactoryANSITest FAILED
On Sat, 2020-12-05 at 15:30 +0100, Ludovic Courtès wrote: